Hello follower <3
Oggi ho visto la sfilata di moshino..musa ispiratrice ..Barbie.Devo dire che questa volta ci ha azzeccato in pieno.“A un certo punto della vita, ogni ragazza del pianeta è stata toccata dalla magia di Barbie” dice Jeremy Scott. “Ho voluto celebrare questa star internazionale, non come modello di bellezza ma per il suo ottimismo, la sua energia e la sua attitudine spensierata e indipendente. Ricordatevi ragazze: “Noi siamo capaci di tutto – e dobbiamo vedere rosa, come Barbie!” ..
Questa collezione mi ha colpito una cifra! =) la cosa più straordinaria è stata la cover per iphone a forma di specchio.
Hello follower <3
Today I saw a parade of inspirational moschino..musa ..Barbie.Devo say that this timewe got it in full. "At some point in life, every girl on the planet has been touched by the magic of Barbie," says Jeremy Scott. "I wanted to celebrate this international star, notas a model of beauty, but for his optimism, his energy and his carefree attitude and independent. Remember girls: "We are capable of anything - and we see pink, likeBarbie!" ..
This collection I was struck by one digit! =) The most amazing thing was the cover foriphone shaped mirror.
Today I saw a parade of inspirational moschino..musa ..Barbie.Devo say that this timewe got it in full. "At some point in life, every girl on the planet has been touched by the magic of Barbie," says Jeremy Scott. "I wanted to celebrate this international star, notas a model of beauty, but for his optimism, his energy and his carefree attitude and independent. Remember girls: "We are capable of anything - and we see pink, likeBarbie!" ..
This collection I was struck by one digit! =) The most amazing thing was the cover foriphone shaped mirror.

Aspettiamo impazienti la prossima stagione primavera-estate 2015 .. per vedere rosa come Barbie ;)
Vi lascio al video della sfilata :*
We wait impatiently the next spring-summer 2015 .. to see how Barbie pink;)
I leave the video of the parade: *