Per me ne ha realizzati due dai colori molto vivaci facilmente abbinabili per questa stagione ..
Entrambi i bracciali sono regolabili e disponibili in qualsiasi colore.
Vi invito a visitare le sue pagine social dove potrete contattarla per qualsiasi informazione.
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The crochet work, also called crochet, is one of the trends that are going great this estate.Il point crocheted out of the path of the grandmother lace and turns in innovative bijoux. For daily and modern crochet I mark a talented girl who realizes very nice jewelry in different lavorazione.Anna Iacovelli techniques
For me it has made from two very bright colors easy to match for this season ..
Both straps are adjustable and available in any color.
I invite you to visit its social pages where you can contact her for any information.
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Tecnica applicata "spighetta rumena"
Adoro questo bracciale,i ciondoli lo rendono molto romantico!

Tecnica applicata "maglia bassa a sezioni alternate"