Colorati,eleganti,prêt à porter sono i gioielli di @marquezabijoux 💎riflesso della femminilità💍
Ve ne avevo già parlato in altri post ...adoro questo gioielli handemade.Marqueza continua a stupire con La nuova collezione ❤️
Io ne indosso tre modelli.Ho scelto il tono del verde ,rosa e il rame a forma di foglia ...sono fantastici😍
Per vedere tutta la collezione,vi allego il link qui
Colorful, elegant, prêt à porter are the jewelry of @marquezabijoux 💎riflesso of femininity💍
I had already talked to you in other posts ... I love this handemade jewelry.Marqueza continues to amaze with The new collection ❤️
I wear three patterns. I picked the tone of green, pink and leafy copper ... they are great
To see the whole collection, I attach the link here
Colorful, elegant, prêt à porter are the jewelry of @marquezabijoux 💎riflesso of femininity💍
I had already talked to you in other posts ... I love this handemade jewelry.Marqueza continues to amaze with The new collection ❤️
I wear three patterns. I picked the tone of green, pink and leafy copper ... they are great
To see the whole collection, I attach the link here