
sabato 10 gennaio 2015

outfits shopping

Buonasera followers .. =) tempo di saldi .. quindi di tanto sano shopping .. tema al quale mi sono ispirata oggi per disegnare due bozzetti dai  colori accesi e vivi =) 
due proposte da giorno comode e super fashion .. trasparenze e vita alta ... accoppiamento perfetto :*

Good evening followers .. =) .. so time for sales of both healthy shopping .. theme to which I was inspired today to draw two sketches by the bright colors and live =)
two proposals by day and super comfortable fashion .. transparencies and high life ...perfect pair: *

2 commenti:

  1. L.O.V.E.!♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ bellissimo!
    Check my blog!!!! :CHIC STREET CHOC
    follow for follow on Instagram?<a
    I'm waiting for you!!! Yep!

  2. Great post dear♥
    Would you like to follow each other?
    I'll follow back after it!


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